天蝎 神秘诡谲,令人费疑猜的星座。他们可以很执着,也可以很破坏;在爱情的国度里黑白分明,没有灰色地带,他们对于自己的目标相当清楚,一旦确立就往前冲。
在希腊神话中,打猎高手欧利安虽然拥有过人的技艺,却非常不得人缘,那是因为欧利安实在太自大了,根本不把别人放在眼里!而且欧利安还经常夸口说:“我欧利安实在是这个世界上最厉害的人,没有人可以敌得过我,就连天神也不例外!” 这句话传到了奥林匹斯山,让天后希拉非常的不满!希拉决定要好好的教训欧利安!于是,希拉就从阴暗的地底之下,把恶毒的蝎子召唤出来,准备让这只蝎子去对付欧利安。 这只蝎子找到了欧利安,就利用一次打猎的机会,趁欧利昂不注意的时候,螫伤欧利安、把他给毒死了。众神为奖励这只蝎子,就决定把它升上天空与群星并列,这就是天蝎座的由来。(纯手打啊哥哥)
★ ★ 10.23-11.21 General Scorpio
★ negative, as the constellation of water to guard planets: Pluto (traditional for Mars) ★
Scorpio born black because of skin color comparison, which highlighted particular sharp vision, bright. Their broad forehead, thick eyebrows rough, uneven and cheekbone more meat, and that it appeared obvious mouth-determination, chin, hard, strong. Overall, its looks easily give energetic, determined, enthusiastic impression.
★ ★ Origin Myth
Zhu Na days from the seamy side of life Scorpene climb out of the underground, Li-An attack Europe (Orion, Diana Raymond situation by the hunter Orion constellation into after). Another, released poison gas attack Scorpene is driven by a trio of Apollo Fitton, so that vehicles have the opportunity to launch lightning, the sun will shine cars destroyed.
★ ★ character
Life is a Scorpio people laying on the capital, often can not think of other people and not prevent this point, if this effort will be in the proper application, it has a lasting endurance to the relentless pursuit of goals, until completion to enable him to the fierce competition, come to the fore. One of Scorpio, jealousy and revenge hearts are very heavy, not only in emotional case, other areas can not tolerate others beyond, and this will even take cold means, impose retaliation.
Scorpio were cool, smart, loyal to their own desires, in utter disregard of other people's thoughts. Arbitrary domineering, trespassing secrecy and cover up the truth, for the scheming, personality gloomy, people uncertain. Concentrate is the largest Scorpio personality characteristics, once established after the goal, we will go all out. Almost all the Scorpio and the description, he stressed the profound emotional, in fact this constellation of life of people in other fields have given the same enthusiasm, he likes his own life to the limits, regardless of work or games will have a tendency too hard, but right goal strong and sincere, and will lead to too demanding.
Love ★ ★
Palace Road 12 in Wong, the accident is the most popular strong feelings of the constellation of emotional life in the performance of strong, focused and sustained when jogging once aroused, is of tremendous destructive. Very emotional instability, it is sometimes difficult to understand, at heart contains strong guess?