

国内出版的塔罗牌及书籍,大部分都写的比较混乱,从网上东抄一点,西抄一点,根本不去管各个体系之间的差异。比较让人无奈。而附赠的牌也都是盗版,质量比较差,纸张不好,印刷分辨率也较低。但也会有一些实体店,会卖进口牌和书籍,但价格比较贵一点。要买正版的话,网上比实体店便宜一点。价钱目前是200RMB不到一点。书的话,可以和牌分开来买,目前国内基本没有什么好书。可以买台版的,推荐《其实你已经很塔罗了》(翻译),《塔罗葵花宝典》(向日葵著)。如果还想便宜一点,可以参加一些塔罗网站的团购,如中华塔罗网 http://bbs.chinatarot.com,不过需要等待一段时间。顺便说一下,《塔罗奥义》这本书比较烂,附赠的牌更是莫名奇妙,买了肯定后悔。《经典塔罗》算是国内盗版书中比较好的,但是也有一些矛盾和混乱的地方。


你看的书不行啊 认真研究下面的书 起码看完前三本在去占卜 就懂了。
《the tarot: history,mystery,and love》by Cynthia giles
《a culture history of tarot》by helen farley
Trionfi: http://trionfi.com
《the history art and symbolism of the tarot》by robert M place
《the hermetic journal》 by Adam Mclean
《reading th marseille tarot》by jean
《the tarot: history symbolism and divination》by Robert M. Place
《tarot symbolism》by Robert O’neill
《the tarot cards》by Michael Dummett
《a history of games played with the tarot pack》by Michael Dummett
《Pictorial key to the tarot》by arthur edward waite
《everyday tarot: a choice centered book》by Gail fairfield
《learning the tarot》by joan Bunning
《the secret of the tarot》by robert swiryn
《the fool’s journey》by robert O’neill
《the complete guide to the tarot》by eden gray
《tarot mirror》by mary K greer
《21 ways to read a tarot card》by mary K greer
《the hero’s journey》by joseph campbell
《tarot wisdom:spiritual teaching and deeper meanings》by rachel pollack
《the tarot: a key to the wisdom of ages》by paul foster case
《translating images in a tarot reading》by mary K greer
《complete book of tarot reversals》by mary
《seventy—eight degrees of wisdo》by rachel pollack


买牌 看书 看完一些大神推荐的这些 你就差不多入门了 这是个大坑!!!!!!!需谨慎
《the tarot: history,mystery,and love》by Cynthia giles
《a culture history of tarot》by helen farley
Trionfi: http://trionfi.com
《the history art and symbolism of the tarot》by robert M place
《the hermetic journal》 by Adam Mclean
《reading th marseille tarot》by jean
《the tarot: history symbolism and divination》by Robert M. Place
《tarot symbolism》by Robert O’neill
《the tarot cards》by Michael Dummett
《a history of games played with the tarot pack》by Michael Dummett
《Pictorial key to the tarot》by arthur edward waite
《everyday tarot: a choice centered book》by Gail fairfield
《learning the tarot》by joan Bunning
《the secret of the tarot》by robert swiryn
《the fool’s journey》by robert O’neill
《the complete guide to the tarot》by eden gray
《tarot mirror》by mary K greer
《21 ways to read a tarot card》by mary K greer
《the hero’s journey》by joseph campbell
《tarot wisdom:spiritual teaching and deeper meanings》by rachel pollack
《the tarot: a key to the wisdom of ages》by paul foster case
《translating images in a tarot reading》by mary K greer
《complete book of tarot reversals》by mary
《seventy—eight degrees of wisdo》by rachel pollack






