





牡羊座(白羊座) 3月21日~4月20日 Aries 火星(象征能量与精力)
金牛座 4月21日~5月21日 Taurus 金星(象征爱与美的结合)
双子座 5月22日~6月21日 Gemini 水星(象征心灵的交流)
巨蟹座 6月22日~7月22日 Cancer 月亮(象征情绪和感觉)
狮子座 7月23日~8月23日 Leo 太阳(象征热情和活力 )
处女座(室女座) 8月24日~9月23日 Virgo 水星(象征知性和工作)
天秤座 9月24日~10月23日 Libra 金星(象征爱与美的结合)
天蝎座 10月24日~11月22日 Scorpio 冥王星(象征着转变)
射手座(人马座) 11月23日~12月21日 Sagittarius 木星(象征智能及变量)
摩羯座 12月22日~1月20日 Capricorn 土星
水瓶座(宝瓶座) 1月21日~2月19日 Aquarius 天王星
双鱼座 2月20日~3月20日 Pisces 海王星(象征着高超的幻想力)




Twelve constellation source
Arguably, the constellation originated in ancient babylonian babylonians in BC 1,000 years ago put forward after 30 constellation.
Two river valley culture (babylonian area) to Greece after, ancient Greek astronomers to Babylon and complements the constellation, drawing up ancient Greek constellation table. Ancient Greece astronomy at that time, mei comprehensive german-born astronomical achievements compiled the 48 constellation.
Medieval European capitalism after rise, need for external expansion, maritime career got very big development. Ships sailing on the sea, always need to navigation, stars, is the best means street lamp. And in the stars, the shape of the constellation is special, the most easy observation, therefore, constellation has caused wide public concern. 16 when actual Magellan round-the-world, not only use constellation navigation, but also on the constellation oriented were studied.
In 1922, the international astronomical union conference decided to sign into the sky, its name 88 in accordance with the name of basic in history. In 1928, the international astronomical union formally announced the 88 element of name. This 88 constellation into three days area, the northern hemisphere 29, 47, near 12 zodiac.
And what we usually speak constellation is also the 12 zodiac constellation. They each have about some of his own myths and legends.
Ancient to convenient at sea with the astronomical observation of orientation, so will spread in the stars using imagination link up them half is in ancient times had named it, named after the ancient civilizations have according to the way of myths and shape lines (including Mesopotamia, Babylon, Egypt, Greek myth and epic). Most are in the southern hemisphere partner (night) is only naming, often use modern instruments to naming of sailing.
In ancient times, so different from place to watch the stars way also is different! Now the world has unified basis into the sky constellation chart will BaShiBaGe constellation regional 88th.
We usually talk about "constellation" (signs), refers to "the sun" (Sunsign constellation); Namely to earth at the same time the people as center, see the sun run to rail (Greek Zodiac: namely animals into rings around, say again "Zodiac") on the position of which a constellation, she said the man is what constellation.
More than 2,000 years ago the Greek astronomers and backus (Hipparchus, 190 ~ 120 years BC) for running on labeling the sun in the zodiac position, will the zodiac into twelve section for 0 ° to equinox, since the equinox (namely zodiac zero) counting every 30 °, for a palace, and with each palace contains at the main constellation order named Aries, Taurus, Gemini, cancer, the lion, maiden, libra, Scorpio, striker, Capricorn, water bottle, Pisces etc palace, called the zodiac, amounting to twelve constellation. In the earth in moving to each equal parts (which constellation) babies born when, after be brought up there are several similar features, including behavior characteristic, character, etc. Will these lenovo (rich imagination and creativity, and make up) series of constellation embodies these human nature; And join legend, become a cultural (mainly refers to the Greek and Roman mythology) the important part.
This overview, which at least seventeenth-century five thousand years of history, they represented by the twelve constellation. But these constellation is not a "star" mean, only as "the same name of a representative mark just".


为了便于研究,人们把星空分成若干个区域,这些区域称为星座。中国很早就把天空分为三垣二十八宿。《史记·天官书》记载颇详。三垣是北天极周围的 3个区域,即紫微垣、太微垣、天市垣。二十八宿是在黄道和白道附近的28个区域,即东方七宿:角、亢、氐、房、心、尾、箕。
十二星座 魔羯座 (12/22 - 1/19) Capricorn
水瓶座 (1/20 - 2/18) Aquarius
双鱼座 (2/19 - 3/20) Pisces
牡羊座 (3/21 - 4/20) Aries
金牛座 (4/21 - 5/20) Taurus
双子座 (5/21 - 6/21) Gemini
巨蟹座 (6/22 - 7/22) Cancer
狮子座 (7/23 - 8/22) Leo
处女座 (8/23 - 9/22) Virgo
天秤座 (9/23 - 10/22) Libra
天蝎座 (10/23 - 11/21) Scorpio
射手座 (11/22 - 12/21) Sagittarius
