









On December 5, from tsinghua university came news, by south China university of technology, law school students composed of team, in tsinghua university undertakes the eighth "reason law cup" national college moot court (the arbitration tribunal) competitions, and China university of political science &law, southwest university, tsinghua university, Beijing university, renmin university of China, wuhan university, east China university of political science &law, northwest China university of politics and law, jilin university, sun yat-sen university, nanjing university, Shanghai jiaotong university, sichuan university, suzhou university and other famous universities athletics team 26 teams compete, and finally achieved groups runners-up outstanding achievements. This is our first time in national university law school team highest standard of the moot court competition in a "group" passedthe runner-up for the university law school, and won another important honors.
This year is the second organized "reason law cup" competition, for this contest, law school party leaders attach great importance, arrange technically dr ZhangJiCheng as guidance teachers and notch teacher, at the same time, invite the lawyer office of guangdong austral desay senior partners ZhongGuoCai lawyer as guiding teacher, the entire carefully prepared. After long-term selection and training, law school students from many excellent selected YiQing cultivates, ChenRuiQi, XuJianCong, zhang, LuoTang super (2008 level) and CaiYuXiang (2009 level) 6 undergraduate student as big players, GaoMeiJuan (2008 level) with DiaoWenJun, FangHao long (2009 level) three undergraduate student as trainer team, 2007 ZhongWenTao, FuYin undergraduates Chong classmate as assistant manager. The teachers of meticulous guidance, the entire team collaboration, cooperate closely, many find information, repeatedly simulation rehearsal, has experienced two and a half months of preparation, as the ultimate excellent achievements to lay a solid foundation.
After pre-match draw and our team was eliminated in and Shanghai jiao tong university and southwest national college team meet, YiQing cultivates, ChenRuiQi, XuJianCong, zhang students with comprehensive pre-match preparation, self-confidence coping, composure, confirmed by record into the quarter-final wins, Last eight of the competition, YiQing cultivates, ChenRuiQi students with a solid extensive legal foundation and wit steady performance, fully showing the face of our students good legal quality and face a strain capacity, won the praise of the judges, then win over sichuan university delegation to the semi-final, In the semi-final, facing China university of political science &law team, YiQing cultivates, ChenRuiQi two classmates coordination tacit understanding, military proper, but to narrowly lost, and ultimately, our team won the group third. At the same time XuJianCong classmate 2008 undergraduates won the tournament of the honorable title of "excellent debator". Tsinghua university law school professor WangChenGuang for our school team award and posed for pictures, and inspiring us to continue to work hard, assume legal person's social responsibility.
Our school law school organized "reason law cup" match, already strengthened our school with the major well-known law schools communicate and exercise our law student law thinking and legal person overall quality; At the same time fully demonstrate our law students with elegant demeanour cultivating high-quality talents mod secco law ability. We have reasons to believe that, in the next game, our law team will obtain more excellent results. (graphic/ZhangJiCheng editor/LiQiuCheng YuanWenWen)
Add: Richard law cup introduction:
"Daniel law cup" national college moot court (the arbitration tribunal) competition is the highest and largest domestic specifications of simulation tournament is by "reason law cup" moot court game organized by the organizing committee, Taiwan cultural foundation and Taiwan Daniel law law law firm, Daniel co-sponsor of tsinghua university law school undertakes. Since 2003 up until now, successfully held for eight tournament, increasing influence, participating college team is more and more, justafter the 2010 eighth RACES are including China university of political science &law, southwest university, tsinghua university, Beijing university, renmin university of China, wuhan university, zhejiang university, shandong university, east China university of political science &law, northwest China university of politics and law, jilin university, sun yat-sen university, nanjing university, Shanghai jiaotong university, sichuan university, suzhou university 26 branch well-known law schools team.
The event of founding aim is for China's education reform law provides a new site and opportunities to help future professionals-more at school, class and textbook learning outside, in a simulated practical place obtain legal practice experience. The organizing committee also hope we can borrow this activity, encourage each college students strengthen communication, mutual discussion, enhance their own business capability and comprehensive quality, accumulate experience, and then in their respective colleges set within related courses and organize the related activities and promote legal ideation and legal person comprehensive qualities and court debating activities of research and development. - End -


; 导读:每家长们都希望自己的孩子未来一切都好,身体健康,财运亨通,幸福平安,想要这些美好寄托在孩子身上,最好的办法就是把期盼放在名字中。那么,属兔的人最旺运招财名字怎么起?属兔人取什么名字能够一生好运呢?想知道就来瞧瞧我的介绍吧。

琴钥 晓楠 墨秋 岚嫣 媛媛
偌欢 昀之 欣颍 悠谣 盈惜
渊然 娅言 淇钰 曦慧 玥泓
英铃 淑泽 冰文 娅岚 姿康
钧钰 清琴 兰惠 凝澹 虹晟
华雯 铭曦 可涵 杏曦 悠琦
佳沐 锦玉 莺晴 雯娜 兰泽
素芸 怡雁 曼思 雪殊 瑾渊
健文 智浩 翰飞 睿泽 朗峻
佑斌 文胜 厉泓 旭俊 晋弘
泰霖 盛煜 俊鸿 峻维 源朋
若涵 烨启 烨华 野博 茂柳
信俊 家润 炯容 闻永 尧柱
汇圣 熠均 展栋 稳泰 云伟
浩禹 桦宣 圣奕 立煜 辉凯
仲卿 诺雅 邦政 玮泰 恩宇


